Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Brilliant Array of "Fireflies" Light the Sky

I blame the lazy, lightning bug-filled nights of summer for making me forget to tell the entire world that Owl City's new single "Fireflies" has been available for free download on iTunes all this week. But you still have two days to zap over to iTunes and grab a copy.

Or you could always pay $.99 for this beautiful little ode to fireflies, insomnia, and other wondrous dreams. A song as magical as this is kind of worth the money.

But wait, there's more - the music video for "Fireflies" premiered yesterday on Owl City's MySpace! Normally I hate videos that all take place in one room and videos where the singer is just sitting at a piano the whole time - yawn! But this video takes place in no ordinary bedroom. Yet again, Owl City takes a mundane situation and turns it into a gorgeous work of art (for more examples of this, see "Early Birdie," a song about going on vacation, complete with highways and shuttle buses, but described in the breath-taking way only Owl City can describe them).

Cute, child-like, wondrous, beautiful.

Owl City "Fireflies"

And where can I get that adorable little dancing wind-up crab at 1:58???

Also, congrats to Owl City for having the #2 album on iTunes. Yup, Ocean Eyes is second only to Daughtry, beating out the Black Eyed Peas, Michael Jackson, and every other band in the world that is not Daughtry.

It's taken me all week to wrap my head around "Fireflies"' beauty, so I'm not quite ready to extensively review Ocean Eyes, but I can tell you I definitely recommend it. (Also, may I note that it only costs $7.99 right now - pretty good.) As always, Owl City's songs shine a thousand little lights on the beauty in everything from the sea to the sky to the city of Seattle to dancing lightning bugs.

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